Actionfigure® Foresight - predict how people will use transportation, for better TDM and real estate decisions.

Provide your employees with real-time parking data, now in Actionfigure Mobile

At Actionfigure, our focus has always been on lowering the number of drive-alone commutes — whether that’s through public transit, biking, carpooling, or any sustainable option. We also understand the reality that many situations do require a car, and when that car isn’t in use, the car needs a place to park.

As offices schedules and office commuting evolves, there is a major concern about people defaulting to using cars instead of transit or other alternative modes. Many employers can’t afford to add more parking, and some are actively working to reduce employee parking. We’re incorporating real-time parking into Actionfigure Mobile to support your commute management program so there is true visibility on parking availability (or scarcity).

If your company uses a parking management solution that supplies real-time data (like ParkingCloud by All Traffic Solutions), we can work with them to add this into our platform. This will then appear on the home screen, as well as the car tab, in the Actionfigure Mobile app exclusively for your employees. 

We’ll break it down for you by individual lots and garages, and will indicate the number of available spaces in each. Your employees will also be able to see the number of EV charging spaces and ADA spaces specific to each location.

Screenshot of CityMotion's real-time parking feature

A Parking Breakdown

This option supports employees whose only option is driving, or require the use of a car some days of the week.

Did you know that Americans spend more than 17 hours a year on average trying to find parking? Some international studies even show up to 26 hours a year. The other alarming part is how much gas we emit while driving in circles hoping to find a spot.

Screenshot of CityMotion's real-time parking feature

This is something to factor in when it comes to your employees’ commutes, and can mean the difference between a productive and unproductive work day. But if you equip your staff with live parking data, they can simply find a spot when they need it.

Enhancing your workspace parking plan

Every workplace is different, with some companies having employees in the office some days of the week, others are blocking certain days for certain teams, some are turning to flexible hours, and some are in the office for the entire week during the workdays.

If you have flexible work hours for your teams and you have some people coming in around 9 a.m., others getting to the office around 11 a.m., and maybe a final wave at 2 p.m. If you have limited parking, odds are some of the staff scheduled for later in-office blocks may have difficulty finding a spot. Offering access to your parking data will allow your teams to better schedule and prepare their days accordingly, instead of wasting time trying to get to the office.

Having live parking data can also help you create a workplace plan tailored to your current offerings. If you don’t have enough parking for each employee, then blocking days for certain teams may be the best strategy for you.

With so much changing on a daily basis, it’s easy to get caught up in a confusing mess of managing your employees’ commutes. We’re here to help simplify your planning, while keep your staff updated and safe during these uncertain times we’re living in. If you want to talk about adding parking data to Actionfigure Mobile, please get in touch!

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