Actionfigure® Foresight - predict how people will use transportation, for better TDM and real estate decisions.

How Actionfigure’s new Foresight helps brokers speed up office relocations 

When companies select a new office or relocate an existing office, they often receive a commute analysis as part of the shortlist process. However, when we spoke with numerous tenants and corporate real estate professionals, their consensus was: current commute analyses take too long to produce, and rudimentary data has turned them into a box-checking exercise.

Commute analysis should be a valuable, actionable resource. In the current wave of post-pandemic relocations, your client’s workplace strategy and culture are front of mind. The commute can make or break a relocation, depending on whether employees utilize newly leased space.  Today’s tenant representatives need Actionfigure Foresight, a new commute analysis that addresses all these challenges and more.

Actionfigure Foresight showing a transit time analysis

Accelerate Transactions

  • Commute analysis in minutes, not hours or days, with deeper insight using AI
  • Quickly eliminate shortlist options to avoid unnecessary tours and logistics

Win More Business

  • Attract new clients by offering highly desirable expertise in Workplace Strategy.
  • Provide your client with a realistic view of their entire workforce: who would drive, who could take transit, who could walk or bike – far more helpful than yesterday’s drive-only analysis.
  • Help your client avoid costly turnover by identifying employees who should work from home given the reality of their commute.
  • Bring insight into tough questions about sustainability and carbon emissions.
  • Retain business and get referrals by showing clients you care about the reality of occupying the space they select, not just the transaction.

The Foresight Difference

  • 100x faster than current workflows, a huge timesaver that lets you bring commute analysis to the table in any deal
  • Complete transportation picture – including driving, transit, biking and walking
  • Decisionmaking tool – Foresight informs clients about relocation’s actual effects on employees – it predicts how it will change their commute, and the positive or negative effects.

Once a new office is selected, Actionfigure offers expertise and products to help with transition and change management – on the individual employee level (Actionfigure Insight) and as a communication tool for the whole office (Actionfigure Screen).

When companies choose location without assessing employee commutes, the commute becomes an obstacle as employees make choices in a vacuum.  The result is underutilized office space, too much parking demand, unhappy employees and a high carbon footprint. With Foresight, your clients can proactively account for employee needs, meet return to office goals, and make successful real estate decisions.

Actionfigure Foresight running on an iPad
Drive Time Analysis running on Actionfigure Foresight

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