The Schrafft Center is a Boston landmark transformed from an iconic candy factory to a commercial office space. Located in Charlestown, its location offers convenient access to various public transportation options and I-93.
The Challenge
The Schrafft Center takes great care to ensure that their tenants have access to any and all commute modes. They provide a free shuttle service to the nearby T station, have Zipcar on-site, an internal bikeshare program, and are located next to a BlueBike station. With all of these valuable options, the struggle Dorothy Fennell, Transportation Services Coordinator for The Schrafft Center, faced was educating tenants and visitors about all of the commuting options at their disposal. In addition, they’re a large property stretched across multiple buildings, making communicating these transportation options uniformly to tenants more difficult; there’s not just one lobby or entrance.

The Solution
For Fennell, improving tenant experience is at the core of every business decision she makes. She strives to improve
Schrafft’s services and be more competitive and attractive to renters.
Actionfigure helps her do just that.
“We’re a big property: two buildings, one campus. What’s really valuable for my tenants is the ability to see where and when they can catch our shuttle. They can look at the Actionfigure Screen in one of the public locations, or at Mobile
from their desk, and plan accordingly. It’s not rocket science, but it’s a really simple thing that is part of the overall
commuter experience that makes life easier,” describes Fennell. Actionfigure has been the perfect addition to educate
her tenants about their options and help them optimize how they’re spending their day.
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