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You don’t need a car to go vote this November

voting_4X3ratio                      Photo by Elliott Stallion on Unsplash

It’s beginning to feel like Fall, which means it’s voting season. If you think it’ll be difficult getting to your polling location, think again — you can use mass transit to go vote for free or at a discounted rate! 

transitscreen-mobility-options-voter-polling-options-transittransitscreen-mobility-options-voter-polling-options-transitWith our growing mobility options out there, it’s becoming easier to get to where you need to go — like your voting location! Not sure where you’re supposed to go? You can find out here

Maybe you haven’t been staying in loop on what’s going on in your area? Just plug your address into this website and you’ll get the rundown on who’s who in your zip code.

Thinking you won’t be able to find a way back from your polling location? Check your destination’s MobilityScore here to see how easy it is to get back to where you need to be! 

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