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New season, same scooters


The change of seasons is bringing more than just new weather, but also new mobility. Some companies have begun to capitalize on their general approval, forcing America to think about what mobility really means.

Here (zoom in for details!) you can see where the many two-wheeled options are thriving, with higher concentrations setting up shop in denser metropolises


We’ve known that bikeshare and scooter programs have had a strong standing on both coasts, but the competition is spreading inward as many programs continue to extend their trial periods. This data shows us that scooter and bikeshare programs are not only here to stay, but are growing in popularity. 

Our CEO, Matt Caywood, recently worked with CityLab on an article discussing the importance of Universal Basic Mobility. This concept is based on the idea that access to public transit should make it easy for everyone to get to essential services. Right now, simple access isn’t even available to all urbanites across the country yet. But scooter and bikeshare companies are playing a big role in this movement.

Companies such as Zagster, Bird, and Motivate have been helping people complete short trips that would be too far for a car, but too long to walk. This could be why, with about a year under most scooter companies belts, these trendy new forms of transportation are continuing to spread. 


The summer started with myriad companies, but the key players have changed since then. Ofo and Mobike are some of the largest bikeshare companies in the world (both based in China), but they got the boot from the US before most pilot programs were scheduled to end. Why? One major reason could be because neither company offered any scooter options in their repertoire. Another problem these companies faced was not offering a product that could compete with smoother rides, like Lime, CitiBike, and CaBi. 

What’s most intriguing is what citizens are saying: We need to improve the ways in which we get around. The explosion of scooters and bikes isn’t happening just because they’re fun or can produce a cute Instagram, but because they’re affordable (and trying to become even more affordable for everyone) and fast. This is only the beginning, so we’re interested to see where we’ll go from here.

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