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Going electric: Scooters for commuters

Transit options are constantly growing and adapting to fit our changing needs, so why would you commute like you’re living in the past (AKA single-occupancy vehicles)? We’ve been told for years now about the disadvantages of driving alone to work, and younger generations want more options.

holding-phone-showing-public-transit-in-front-of-electric-scooterIf you haven’t hopped on a scooter yet, your biggest question is probably: Is it worth it? Last year, e-scooters appeared seemingly out of nowhere, scootin’ across the nation one city at a time. While some cities didn’t appreciate these unregulated two-wheeled transit options dropping in without a word, others began to embrace them. So why are people head over wheels for these things?

Well, let’s start by seeing why they’re worth it.

One: They’re meeting demand.

By now, it’s no surprise that professionals of all ages want alternate modes of transit that actually work. We’re tired of sitting in traffic and young professionals are moving closer and closer to their places of work. Why? People are swapping cars for public transportation, walking, and customizable ridehailing services like Uber, Lyft, and Via. Companies need to pay attention to this trend because commutes are one of biggest reasons for employee turnover.

Enter: scooters. Scooters offer another way to get around that doesn’t contribute to pollution or force you to be in standstill traffic. On top of that, the deployment and acceptance of scooters in urban areas (mainly) are forcing our favorite cities to rethink how streets are currently designed. We’ve been a society primarily reliant on cars to get around, but that’s starting to change.

Two: They’re fast and sweat-proof.

With just a kick of your foot and a press of a button you’re off! Cities are still working on getting regulations solidified, so some e-scooters can go faster than others and some areas offer a greater selection than others. Regardless of how fast you’re city’s e-scooters can go, it still beats walking and is a strong competitor for bikes.

While bikes are always a great choice for getting around, they tend to bring a major flaw: sweat. Companies who offer bikeshare programs have started to place shower facilities on their grounds, but it’s not the easiest thing to implement depending on location, size, and funds.

This is why a great alternative to bikes is scooters, especially in the summer! You don’t have to worry about packing some deodorant in your work bag, or panic if you realized that you left it at home, because the scooter does all the work for you. While you can’t currently use pre-tax benefits for scooters, that doesn’t mean you can’t go above and beyond to offer subsidized funds for this fun form of travel.

Three: Dockless, dockless, dockless.

Last, but certainly not least, is that these scooters can be found everywhere. Going dockless has opened a whole new door in transportation because you can control exactly where you hop off. This is why you may find e-scooters lined up outside of metro and bus stations — they first gained popularity by being known as a cheaper, easier way to complete the first and last mile of your commute.

E-scooters have inspired an entire revolution, with more startups popping up every few months. Regulations are still being determined on a city-by-city basis, but don’t get ready to say goodbye to our two-wheeled friends anytime soon. Your employees want faster, cleaner solutions to their commute problems, and e-scooters are only the beginning!

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