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Your employees don’t care about kegs in the office, but here’s what does matter.

You’ve got your office design figured out, so now what? Whether you’re deciding to have assigned desks or opt for hot desking (great for primarily remote workforces), you need to think about what else you’re filling your office with. Being in the office from sunrise to sundown means that your employees expect to have an office with the right amenities.

Put down the ping-pong paddle, because that’s not what we’re talking about. When people look for the right perks in an office, that doesn’t mean a keg in the kitchen and retro arcade games scattered around an open floor plan. Sure, you’re thinking recent college grads will be enticed by these types of fun add-ons, but what people really want is an office that supports their wellbeing and productivity. 


“We spend almost a third of our lives in the office, and in order to find and retain top talent, it’s essential for companies to foster an environment that empowers people with the right space to work, think and collaborate naturally,” says Morten Meisner-Jensen, Co-Founder of ROOM. Let’s break down what this means.

I can feel it coming in the air.

air-quality-in-the-office-important-for-employee-happiness-healthIt may seem like the last thing on your mind, but air quality should actually be the first to-do on your list. Better air quality in the office can increase productivity by 11%, according to a study from the World Green Building Council. With decreased pollutants in the office, your team is less likely to become ill or get those midday headaches, keeping everyone happy and healthy. 

You don’t have to drop thousands of dollars to do this. Adjusting the air you breathe can be done by enforcing a no-smoking policy near the office, or by only allowing e-cigs into the office, but limiting them to a designated area. Check out services like Groove to get green cleaning supplies to keep the office fresh and toxic-free. An even easier solution is to simply open a window — let some fresh air into the office!

Where’s the waterboy?

water-quality-in-the-office-hydration-productivityYou can survive without sodas and sugary drinks, but you can’t make it far without water. The water cooler may be an oldie, but it’s a goodie. Providing clean drinking water for your staff is good for so many reasons — the biggest one is that working adults spend about half of their day in an office, which is a long time to go without drinking water. 

Another fun tip: have a drinking challenge. We’ve done a couple at TransitScreen and there’s no better way to keep people hydrated and healthy than a friendly competition amongst coworkers!

Here comes the sun.

natural-light-in-the-office-does-it-make-a-differenceIf you want to have a trendy office for all talent levels, then let there be light. Allowing natural light to flood your office is a great way to increase morale and productivity. Why? A Cornell study found that more than 80% of employees who had access to or sat near natural light had fewer headaches from strained eyes.

You can maximize the amount of light your employees get by strategically setting up workspaces around your most well-lit areas. This should include common spaces just as much as individual work desks, so people feel comfortable to move around and work from multiple areas, especially when working in a group. 

These are just a few simple factors to help increase productivity and boost happiness in your office space. When you’re ready to take things to the next level, consider looking into more tech-related options — we’ll break those down for you soon.

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